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New Furnace Savings Comparison
(For current Natural Gas, Propane, or Heating Oil furnaces)

This calculator will make an estimate of how long it will take to pay back your investment in a new natural gas, propane or fuel oil furnace.
mortgage payoff sign

 Furnace Information
Estimated Efficiency of Present Furnace?:
Common Furnace Efficiencies
Cost of New Furnace?:
Efficiency of Proposed New Furnace:
Common Furnace Efficiencies
Tax Credit or Utility Rebate?:
(Your Zip Rebate Info Tax Credit Info)
Estimated Fuel Heating Cost Last 12 Months:
(Enter a number or use calculator below to make estimate)
Use this calculator to estimate your last years heating costs
Highest Monthly Fuel Bill
Lowest Monthly Fuel Bill
Zip Code?: