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Car Leasing Calculator

Is it better to lease or purchase a car? This calculator will help you decide. It helps if you already have a lease offer from a dealer which you can plug into this calculator. What you will get is a year-by-year comparison of the net cost of a lease or purchase. This will be shown both as a graph and in chart format.
car loan  

Use this calculator to calculate a lease payment or to compare  leasing and buying
Results Overview
Monthly lease

Your Data
Lease Information
Total Price of Vehicle:
Lease Term (in Months):
Enter Interest Rate (APR)
(5% would be entered as 5, not .05)?:
Or Enter Money Factor?:
Acquisition Fee?:
Residual Percent ?:
Cash Due at Signing?:
Optional Comparisons
Compare to Purchasing with Loan
Compare to Paying Cash
Other Information
Local Sales Tax Rate: %
Savings Interest Rate:
(used to calculate potential interest on down payment)

Yearly Detail
  • Projections assume car loses 20% of value first year, 15% each year thereafter.
  • Savings Interest Earned is calculated on the difference between your loan (or cash) down pay and the cash due at signing for the lease. Since this is interest you WOULD have earned if you had not made the down payment (or cash purchase) this adds to the Loan Net Cost to Own.
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